Lucky-Zebras 97
1st internet supporters club of MSV Duisburg


When Sven Kiesow, Andreas Larisch, Michael Skakic-Härle, Klaus Reiwer, twins Kai and Torsten Menzel, Uwe W. Spinczyk with his father, Rainer Krapka, also with his father, Stefan Thuis, Thomas Metzler, Armin Zelles and Sebastian partnered up for the inaugural meeting on December 20, 1997, the route was already obvious:

"We wanted to fulfil IBM's advertisement of a global village! Thanks to the internet it does not matter if somebody lives in New York or hails from Hochfeld. This way, even a zebra supporter from Moscow can participate lively in the club's discussions via internet.", said Lucky-cofounder Klaus Reiwer.

The medium of the internet should be used intensively to provide information about MSV and enable a location-independent interchange of ideas via mailinglists, forums and our website – the first website of any MSV supporters club.

This should not mean that only pc freaks could gain access to Luckies: "We also host club meetings which take place at fan-friendly times immediately after a saturday match, whereby also non-internet persons can participate in our activities", said Andreas "Larry" Larisch back then. The "Lucky-Zebras ´97" were born.

Mike Härle explained the goals, the meaning and the purpose of Lucky-Zebras' foundation: "Primarily we want to help shape MSV's club policy. Members of Luckies should preferably also be members of MSV to enable them to make use of their voting right at general meetings and thereby effect "actual" changes."

But the original Luckies also wanted to arrange fun events: Collective activities both in context of activities of MSV Duisburg and outside of these should become regular events for our member, e. g. collective trips to away matches, barbecues, football supporters tournaments, annual summer festivities and many more.

To this day these events enjoy great popularity and attract more and more like-minded people year by year. Not least therefore Lucky-Zebras 97 are one of the largest supporters clubs of our MSV Duisburg!