Lucky-Zebras 97
1st internet supporters club of MSV Duisburg


Accepted at the general meeting on December 20, 1998, changed at the general meeting on November 11, 2019

§ 1 Name and location of the club

The club has the name "Lucky-Zebras 97 (1. Internet-Fanclub des Meidericher SV 02 e.V. Duisburg)". It is based in Duisburg.

§ 2a Purpose of the club

The club's purpose is to foster communication between football supporteres as well as to offer a source of information about the sportive performance of "MSV Duisburg 1902 e.V. ". The club is anti-racist as well as party politically, religiously neutral and independent. Members of the club distance themselves explicitly from assault of physical violence of any kind.

§ 2b Accession to organisations

The club can accede to other organisations which follow the same goals as the club. The general meeting decides about the accession by simple majority.

§ 3 Acquisition of membership

The application for membership has to be provided in writing either by the registration form on our website or by e-mail to our member administration. Acceptance results from payment of the memberhsip fee. The application expires if payment of the membership fee is not received within one month. Members receive voting rights after one month of membership.

§ 4 Resignation and exclusion

Notice of resignation must be provided in writing (or by e-mail). Resignation is possible at any time. Exclusion from the club is decided on by the managing committee upon good cause shown. Members can give notice of appeal against exclusion and demand a hearing in the course of an extraordinary general meeting. All membership rights expire by resignation or loss of membership. Reasons for an exclusion from the club are persistent violations of the club's statutes, intended damage of the club's public face or not meeting financial obligations towards the club.

§ 5 Membership fee

Membership fee and possible special payments are determined by the annual general meeting. The fiscal year corresponds to the calendar year. A yearly fee has to be paid. The point in time of entry is irrelevant. The yearly fee is 12 EUR. The yearly fee must be transfered by the end of January respectively within a month after registration to the bank account of Lucky-Zebras. A reminder is sent in the event of default. Ignoring the reminder leads to exclusion from the club. The management committee may decide about remission or delay of payment where necessary.

§ 6 Organs

The organs of the club are the managing committee and the general meeting.

§ 7 Managing committee

The managing committee consists of up to five persons. The managing committee carries out allocation of duties under its own authority.

§ 8 Resignation of a member of the managing committee

If a member of the managing committee resigns, an extraordinary general meeting has to be called within six weeks to fill the vacant position in the managing committee.

§ 9 No-confidence vote against a member of the managing committee

If more than half of the members with voting power vote against a member of the managing committee, an extraordinary general meeting has to be called within six weeks to fill the vacant position in the managing committee.

§ 10 Power of representation

The managing comittee represents the club according to § 26 BGB, namely two members conjointly at any time.

§ 11 Property of the club

The treasurer supervises the whole property, cash policy and accounting.

§ 12 General meeting

The general meeting must take place until December 31 of any given year. The managing committee have the right to call extraordinary general meetings. They are bound to do so if any one member applies for such under specification of purpose and reason. The deadline in this case is six weeks on receipt of application. The annual general meeting and extraordinary general meetings consitute a quorum if they have been anounced to the members by inviation in writing (respectively by e-mail) at least ten days before. Application for the annual general meeting and extraordinary general meetings must be sent to the managing committee in writing (respectively by e-mail) at least three weeks before the meeting is held. A general meeting constitutes a quorum regardless of the number of attending members as long as the deadline for announcement is met. The managing committee, the treasurer and two cash auditors are elected by the annual general meeting for a period of two years. Any person who has been a member for at least 3 years is eligible for election as a member of the managing committee or as treasurer. Decisions of the annual general meeting and extraordinary general meetings must be recorded in writing and signed by the managing committee.

§ 13 Decisions and elections

All decisions are made by simple majority of the attending members as well as the votes emited by e-mail beforehand. An amendment of the statutes can only be decided by a ¾ majority of the attending members at a general meeting. Secret ballot has to be carried out upon request of any one member.

§ 14 Cash auditors

The cash auditors are delegates of the annual general meeting and eligible and liable to check the cash management of the club. They have to report on the results of their audit at the annual general meeting. The cash auditors must not fill any other position in the club.

§ 15 Liquidation of the club

Liquidation of the club can only be decided at an extraordinary general meeting which was called solely for this purpose by a ¾ majority of vaild votes. If not differently decided by the general meeting the chairman, the substitutional chairman and the treasurer are liquidators authorised to represent. The property remaining after liquidation is donated to a non-profit, charitable institution or organisation chosen by the general meeting.