Lucky-Zebras 97
1st internet supporters club of MSV Duisburg

Become a member of Lucky-Zebras 97

No matter if in Duisburg, Moers, Frankfurt, Oberhausen, Goch, Solingen or the rest of the world: Lucky-Zebras are everywhere.

About 90 fans of MSV Duisburg have decided to become member of Lucky Zebras. There is one thing that units them all: the membership is an affair of the heart to them by which connectivity to our zebras becomes obvious.

You are looking for a supporters club where:

  • Support of the club MSV Duisburg comes to the fore
  • Some members regularly take part in the club's board work
  • Various members are also members of the club
  • Supporters from all over Germany of all ages are represented
  • You receive information about MSV
  • Members clearly distance themselves from violence, discrimination and racism
  • Members can play an active part
  • Collective leisure acitvities and parties regularly take place
  • You can order tickets e. g. for cup finals
  • Trips to away games are organized by our member Hans Wolkinger
  • Participation in activities is without obligation
  • You receive exclusive purchase options and discounts on our own fan merchandise

Become a Lucky Zebra now if you can identify yourself with these points! We are pleased to meet you!

Membership of Lucky-Zebras 97

Many people have already asked us how to become a member of "Lucky-Zebras 97". The acquisition of membership as well as resignation and exclusion are regulated in detail in articles 3 and 4 of our statutes. Please find "the fine print" below:

§ 3 Acquisition of membership

The application for membership has to be provided in writing either by the registration form on our website or by e-mail to our member administration. Acceptance results from payment of the memberhsip fee. The application expires if payment of the membership fee is not received within one month. Members receive voting rights after one month of membership.

§ 4 Resignation and exclusion

Notice of resignation must be provided in writing (or by e-mail). Resignation is possible at any time. Exclusion from the club is decided on by the managing committee upon good cause shown. Members can give notice of appeal against exclusion and demand a hearing in the course of an extraordinary general meeting. All membership rights expire by resignation or loss of membership. Reasons for an exclusion from the club are persistent violations of the club's statutes, intended damage of the club's public face or not meeting financial obligations towards the club.

§ 5 Membership fee

Membership fee and possible special payments are determined by the annual general meeting. The fiscal year corresponds to the calendar year. A yearly fee has to be paid. The point in time of entry is irrelevant. The yearly fee is 15 EUR. The yearly fee must be transfered by the end of January respectively within a month after registration to the bank account of Lucky-Zebras. A reminder is sent in the event of default. Ignoring the reminder leads to exclusion from the club. The management committee may decide about remission or delay of payment where necessary.

If you like to become a Lucky-Zebra you can straightforwardly register below.

Registration for Lucky-Zebras 97

* = Mandatory